About Us
Today, Kariongo Trading, a branch company of Indigo Blue Gemstones Namibia, owns over 10 mining claims in the Erongo Area, between Wilhemstal and Omaruru, mining only tourmaline. Colors of blue, green and pinkish red can be found. A multi-cultural team with diverse skills is working on these mines.

Indigo Blue Namibia
Finding tourmaline, cutting and sending them into the market is the aim of the business. Trusted individuals, carefully selected agents, travelling, logistics and good business ethics are important principles for the success of this adventure.
The Vision – To be tourmaline miners and enthusiasts by creating a unique gemstone experience from Namibia to the world.
The Mission – To provide a high level of integrity, professionalism, trust and commitment to clients by developing a long-term relationship.
In short:
- Present tourmaline mining to the world from a different perspective.
- Educate people about gemstone mining in Namibia.
- Selling directly to the client.
- Be transparent throughout the entire process.
- Meet new, exciting people and create a formidable network. Long term relationships are the main focus.
- Invest back into the country by creating jobs through mining, cutting of stones and supporting other local projects.
- Bring gemstones enthusiasts to Namibia and show them the gemstone way.
Namibia offers a whole variety of different minerals and gemstones found throughout the country. Indigo Blue Namibia is solely concentrated on the production of tourmaline which are found mainly in the Erongo Region of Namibia. These tourmaline are mined on various mining claims in this Erongo district. Otjikatjango and Omapyu being the biggest and most productive mines in this area.
In this area there is a big stretch of pegmatite running parallel to the Erongo Mountains. This area is perfect for mining of tourmalines. These claims produce blue, green and pinkish red colors.
A very well know mine called ‘Neuschwaben’, which was popular for its dark blue tourmalines, is also in this area. It produced some extraordinary tourmaline specimens over the years.
The Gemstone mining operations vary according to size and complexity. Methods of blasting and drilling are used. Machinery used include excavators, loaders and drilling machines powered by compressors.
Rough stones are collected and cut into wonderful pieces which are sold locally, to Europe and all around the world.
- Promoting the gemstone mine trade in Namibia.
- Creating jobs.
- Be transparent with all mining and export activities.
- Meeting new, exciting people and creating a stable network.
- Changing people’s mindset towards mining all over the world.
- Cutting gemstones in Namibia and overseas.
- Invite friends and clients to visit Namibia and experience the mine and local activities.
- Create investment opportunities.
- Become a house hold brand in the gemstone trade.
- Supporting small miners and other mining related projects.
The long term goal is to build a lodge on the mine so clients and tourist can visit the mine and enjoy the experience. Current infrastructure is already there, it just needs a touch of magic to make it complete.
Gemstone Adventure Tours or part thereof.
Continue searching for the best tourmalines possible to attract high end investors. Ongoing project.
Kharugu Project – www.kharuguproject.com: Empower Small Miners.
Indigo Blue is also planning to get involved in other development projects all around the country. The aim is to identify local people with certain skills that could potentially become specialist in the gemstone trade. After the programs they should be able to run their own successful business right here in Namibia. The potential to find good local gemstone cutters, especially for tourmaline, continues to be a long term goal.
Indigo Blue Namibia is a Namibian registered company with a sister company in Germany under same name. This creates the opportunity to export the stones from Namibia to Europe in a transparent way. The stones are then received in Germany by the sister company and distributed to clients. All paperwork will be done according to standard. Verification and certificates will also be done as requested by the client.
We are currently busy partnering up with all sections of the continent. Contacts in Germany, Belgium, France, North & South America and Asia have already been made.
Career Development
Since Namibia presently suffers from a very high unemployment rate and an enormous lack of eduction and skilled labor force, we strive to give our workers equal opportunities for career development. We also try to actively engage in the local communities, contributing to education and infrastructure supporting traditions and believes and by prioritizing the local population when employing labor force.